Why You Should Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

The electrical panel is the heart of your home’s electricity system. It keeps your house’s power running safely and smoothly. If you find yourself constantly resetting your circuit breakers or flipping them back and forth, you may need to upgrade your electrical panel. A qualified electrician can help you determine the correct size for your home’s electricity needs. In addition, you could benefit from such upgrades if you need more amps, or you could benefit from a subpanel. Such projects require experienced and knowledgeable from panel upgrade Pasadena electricians. Hillside Expert Electrical is your local professional to accurately assess, diagnose, and remediate the problem.

Fuses Are Outdated

If you have an old fuse box or the circuit breakers that replaced it, chances are they need to be upgraded. These electrical systems are not prepared for today’s electricity demands. They are not safe, and they can easily cause a fire in your home or commercial property.

The fuses in older electrical panels aren’t designed to be tapped for additional circuits and often have 20 amp fuses where the circuit wires can only carry 15 amp current. The fuse panel is also not able to detect and protect the circuits from overloading like the circuit breakers can.

There are many benefits to having your building’s electrical system upgraded to a modern and safe one. It improves your building’s safety, increases its resale value, and it helps you save on energy costs. It may even bring your building up to insurance code requirements, which can lower your premiums.

Getting a panel upgrade should always be done by a licensed and insured electrician to ensure it is performed correctly. The process requires the electrician to disconnect the power from your home or business, remove the old panel, install the new one, and wire the circuits for any new ones that are being added. The entire upgrade process usually takes anywhere from eight to ten hours. Your electrician will determine the size of the new panel and make sure it is compatible with your existing wiring.

Overcrowded Breaker Box

The breaker box is that mysterious gray box in your home, often located in the basement, garage, laundry room, or the utility room. Most people avoid touching it, fearing that doing so will result in a disaster. However, this box is vital for keeping your house running and safe.

Electrical panels have safety devices (either fuses or circuit breakers) that trip and shut off the flow of electricity when it exceeds certain limits. These devices are designed to prevent overheating wires, which can cause fires. Unfortunately, many Sarasota homes have old and outdated panels that may not be able to properly perform these functions.

Fortunately, a panel upgrade can solve these problems by adding more circuit breakers. A newer panel also has a higher amperage rating than older ones, meaning it can handle more power without the risk of a fire.

Adding a subpanel can also be helpful for your home’s energy needs, especially if you have a small household. A subpanel can be installed to accommodate high demand appliances like air conditioners and dryers, while reducing the load on your main breaker. Ideally, your subpanel should have clearly labeled breakers that indicate the appliances and rooms they control. This will make it easy for you to understand the flow of electricity in your house and for a future owner to determine where the electricity is coming from.

Overloaded Circuits

An electrical panel is the hub that controls all the electricity flowing into and out of your home. It contains circuits that have fuses or breakers which cut off current flow to a circuit when they sense an overload. This is done to prevent the circuit from overheating and causing a fire. An older electrical panel may not be able to handle the amount of power demanded by modern devices and appliances.

This is especially true if your home has undergone renovations which have increased the power demands on your electrical system. If your home is constantly tripping its circuit breakers, then it is time for a panel upgrade.

Constant tripping of the breakers can damage your expensive appliances. It can also cause them to become overheated and prone to short circuits and other problems that can lead to fire. A new panel will offer a steady flow of energy throughout the day so that your breakers won’t keep tripping.

Other signs that it’s time for a panel upgrade include a breaker box that feels warm or emits a burnt smell, flickering lights and mild shocks when you touch outlets and switches. If you have any of these symptoms, an electrician should inspect your circuit breaker to determine whether it’s overloaded. This is a critical safety measure that will keep you and your family safe from electrical fires caused by faulty wiring.

Safety Hazards

There’s a reason why you should upgrade your electrical panel when it starts showing signs of wear. It increases the capacity of your home and allows you to use more appliances without a problem. It can also help you reduce your energy bills. Newer models also have better circuit protection and are designed to keep you and your family safe from electrical fires.

Fuses and older breaker panels are a serious safety hazard and can cause dangerous situations that lead to fires in your home. In fact, they are the leading causes of house fires in North America. Upgrading to a modern model can prevent these fires and make your home more comfortable.

Constantly resetting or flipping your breakers is another telltale sign that it’s time to replace your electric panel. This could be due to overloading or a faulty breaker. In this case, it’s important to contact a licensed electrician right away so they can replace your breaker panel.

You should consider upgrading your electric panel if you plan to add solar systems or a home EV charger to your household. Upgrading your electrical panel will help protect these new devices, as well as improve the overall efficiency of your home’s power usage. Moreover, an upgraded panel will ensure that your home’s electrical system meets the requirements of provincial and national electrical codes.

The electrical panel is the heart of your home’s electricity system. It keeps your house’s power running safely and smoothly. If you find yourself constantly resetting your circuit breakers or flipping them back and forth, you may need to upgrade your electrical panel. A qualified electrician can help you determine the correct size for your home’s…